Monday, May 2, 2016

Back to Reality

Bittersweet feelings sank in as we boarded the plane to head back to the US. Leaving behind this beautiful island was harder than I thought! I reflected on my journey and realized how much I have learned in the course of the past 5.5 weeks. I've learned to be patient and flexible. The schools here have a much different idea of education, so it was hard for me at times to adjust to their expectations. Since the students do have a much higher energy (and noise) level, I had to be patient and remember that it's okay to not have everything go as planned, life will go on.

These wonderful students of mine have been a blessing to work with. They made me laugh until I cried, feel special, and also made me want to pull my hair out at times. Getting to know them was super easy, but leaving them was almost impossible. Seeing one of my male students cry actual tears as I hugged him goodbye made me choke up. All of them questioned when I would be back to visit. I will miss these kids and everything that they continued to teach me more than anything.

Although it took almost the entire duration of the trip to get used to, I will miss the laid back and easy going lifestyle. The people here are just so satisfied with where they are in life, and it was humbling to watch how generous people are throughout the trip. Through all of the people I've met: Flip- our caring dive master, Albertina- makes the BEST food, DJ Debbie- a DJ who loves giving back, James- hand makes beautiful wooden bowls, Coconut Leo- one of the most interesting locals, Josh- the Coffee Bar owner, and many, many more. These people were selfless, so happy, and were extremely hard to say goodbye to. I am so thankful for my opportunity to grow on this rich and simple island. There's no doubt in my mind that I will be back to visit one day!