Sunday, April 24, 2016

Final Week in San Pedro

Our time here experiencing the culture on this beautiful island is coming to an end as we only have one week left in the schools. Throughout our time, our main priority has been to improve on what we want to do the rest of our lives: our teaching. However, there's also been time for a few other activities of our choosing that allows us to embrace San Pedro to its fullest.

We loved participating in the 5K for Autism Awareness! It was too hot for me to run (although some in our group did it!), but was great to be with the other interns throughout the event. Community members, families, and even dogs participated in the 5K. Our group won a trophy for having the largest number of participants! 

A few of us still volunteer at SAGA Humane Society to walk the dogs! SAGA just got these cute new puppies that we are IN LOVE with. The pup I walked, Boomer, would get tired of walking and would just stop and lay down on the sidewalk. I had to pick him up and he would snuggle in my neck. I hope he gets adopted fast because he was the sweetest little thing!

Lastly, I've gotten to Scuba Dive in one of the most incredible places in the world. We got to see sea turtles, a variety of fish, and play with nurse sharks! Our dive master would flip over the sharks and let us pet their bellies. You could see them wiggling with enjoyment! Their backs are tough and felt like sandpaper, but don't worry, these sharks have too small of mouths to have the desire to attack humans. 

With my final few days here, I want to focus on what I came to do, but also enjoy the wonderful life around me. The beaches here are beautiful with white soft sand and crystal blue/green waters. Although I'll be headed back to another beautiful beach at Wrightsville, nostalgia will sink in after I leave San Pedro followed by moving out of my beach house in two weeks. The real world is about to hit real fast! 

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